Whats the ideal budget for your interiors ?

Choosing a right interior designer might be a challenging task on hand, the cost of project depends mostly style driven, right from the design to the materials used, square footage, custom designs play a major role in contibuting to the costs of a project.

August 6, 2024

Whats the ideal budget for your interiors ?


Am I really spending high on my interiors? is the budget right ?  Am I being cheated?.
these are some of the questions which haunt every home buyer before they finalise on any interior designing company . However, these scenarios are not always true as the cost of any interior designing project depends on a lot of factors like size of the area, materials, complexity in planning & executing the project etc. . In this blog , lets consider these factors in an ideal scenario and understand how to allocate the right budgets for your interiors.
Size of the area ; The area available for design is always a major contibuting factor for the costs , for ex; the cost of designing a villa or a mansion is always greater than an apartment which considerable less in size . 
Custom designs ; As unique as us , we want our home to be unique to our taste, this might result in higher costs as we end up choosing custom designs, unique materials which are costlier than the regular ones, as per the interior design standards, the costs increase proportionately to the degree of the customization required to execute the project.
Defining the budget clearly before the execution; It is recommended that we clearly communicate our requirement to the designer. This will give the designer a fair idea of our requirement, also, one can use reference images as an visual aid to the designer, it will help the designer to map out our expectations and render a 3 D before they begin to execute the project. Detailed plan always provide us with better clarity on the costs involved in executing the same.
Comparing costs ; This is an important factor to zero in on a designer, choose your style and invite costs from the designers whom you think fit your requirement, the difference in the costing will give you a clarity in choosing one of them, it is recomended to choose the designer basis their experience, proposed timelines and ofcourse the cost.
Common pricing practices ;  It is better to understand the costing from the designer`s perspective, a designer can quote a flat fee for the services charged excluding or including the material cost . It is recommended that we understand the implications in both the approaches. Pay by the hour might prove costly if we do not understand the quantum of work involved , some of the designers might work on an agreed percentage of the total project cost, however it is on us to choose the best fit depending on our requirement.
Avoid hidden costs; This is one of the most crucial factor specially if you are running on a stringent budget, please ask your designer to share a 3D render of the space to be designed, this will help you understand the material required and will help you avoid any hidden costs.

Choosing a right interior designer might be a challenging task on hand, the cost of project depends mostly style driven, right from the design to the materials used, square footage, custom designs play a major role in contibuting to the costs of a project. Be it an individual designer or a reputed designing company, one must choose wisely , reputed brands with experience always bring in more value on the table and help you avoid unnecessary expenses from the initial stages itself. This actually helps not only saving a lot of costs but also helps in better outcome. Communicating the expectations, clairty in timelines, budget and other constraints helps the overall process easy for both the customer and the interior designing expert. One can easily follow few basic steps(as recommended in the blog) and choose a interior designer who not only matches your style but also fits your budget requirement